January 17 Walking in His Light John 8:12
ANNOUNCEMENT: Baptist Tabernacle Church will be 100 years old, in 2022. A grand celebration is planned for May 22, 2022, to commemorate the first service as an organized church body! Special information, recognitions, God’s Word, and a catered meal will be a part of the celebration. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the festivities.
***Due to the rise in COVID19 related illnesses, we are strongly encouraging the use of Masks, within the sanctuary, and to continue to observe “Social Distancing.” Together, with a faithful reliance on God, we will overcome this present challenge!!***
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I AM the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Jesus declared that “He is the Light!” From the beginning, He is the Light! The day that I was saved and forgiven of my sins, He was the Light! That Light, that Holy Bright Light, directed me to salvation and, that same Light, guides me today! Jesus is my Light of Salvation, and He can be that same Light for you! Dear Fellow Believers, we have a responsibility, we have a duty, we have a calling, to be a Bright Light of Jesus in this dark and dismal world! Dr. Kelton Hinton has been teaching fellow Pastors to embrace the Light of Jesus and to “Push Back the Darkness!” Folks, that is exactly what we need to do! When the Light of Jesus illuminates our paths, and we are guided by this Light, we avoid the stumbles and pitfalls of this life! When we are walking in the Light of Jesus, we make better decisions, and we reflect His Love and His saving Grace, and we can navigate others into the “LIGHT!” May you be a “BRIGHT LIGHT FOR JESUS” and be committed to “PUSHING BACK THE DARKNESS!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!