October 2 BTC Homecoming 2022 Luke 5:25
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Immediately he got up before them, and picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God.” (Luke 5:25)
My daddy grew up in the Orphanage at Kennedy Home, near LaGrange, North Carolina, and the experience of not having a traditional home, motivated daddy to create a stable and permanent home for me and my mother. Home was so very important to him. He used to tell me that, regardless of the situations and challenges that I will face in this life, that I could always come home. He said that coming home to a place of comfort, both physically and emotionally, and coming home to a place of safety, was so important for our survival, as humans. Dear Friends, One Hundred Years Ago, our forefathers and mothers, desiring to create a place of comfort and security and a place of praise and worship, established the Fellowship that we now know as Baptist Tabernacle Church. For 100 years this place has been a place of sanctuary and worship and praise, and it is a place that we can come and worship without fear or anxiety. I am so honored to be the pastor of such a beautiful and active church family! As long as God allows this life to exist, I pray that BTC will continue to be a “Bright Light” into this Dark and Dismal World! Daddy used to exclaim, “Remember Son, you can ALWAYS come HOME!” Daddy is now in his Heavenly Home, and we are celebrating, what would have been his 95th birthday, today! I am so grateful for my earthly father, and I am so grateful that my earthly father, introducing me to my Heavenly Father! I am excited in the fact that my earthly home is a place of sanctuary and security, but I am more excited about the fact that my Heavenly Home is going to be more secure and more comforting and more inviting than anything that I enjoy here. The fact is clear! This world is not my home, I am just passing through! Thank you, God, for a great earthly home, and an amazing Church Home, and the fact that my Eternal Home is getting closer and closer! To all that enjoy the Homecoming 2022, at BTC, WELCOME HOME! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…REMEMBER – THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!!