October 31 HIS Life-Changing LOVE Luke 10:36-37
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “So, which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?” And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:36-37)
One of my favorite parables, is the parable of the “Good Samaritan!” I love the lesson that it teaches and the way in which we should deal with others, regardless of their position in life! Many people passed by this man in need, and because of their own bias and prejudices, walked past him, on the far side of the road. Wow! I must be careful that this doesn’t describe me and my actions! Only one individual showed care and concern and he went the “extra mile,” to take care of the needs of this poor soul. What is the difference between this one man and the others that passed by? The real and lasting difference is “LOVE!” Friends, we are faced with similar choices today! Are we going to be a Strong and Loving Witness for God, in this divided and segmented society, or are we going to demonstrate our own human prejudices and forget the Grace of God and the Blessings of our own Salvation? I truly believe that, as “Born-Again, Blood Bought, Children of God, we must demonstrate intentional and radical LOVE! Over the past several months, I have been talking and teaching about witnessing and sharing Jesus with everyone that we meet, yet if we are not demonstrating this Good News, in our actions and habits, then our words will fall short of the intended purpose! There are desperate needs among our fellow travelers, and there are hurting and needy people that we meet, every day. How will we respond to the needs? Is it true, that everyone needs Jesus? Can we recognize the need, and then work to meet that need? Please Lord, place me in the pathway of those who are in need! The question for today is simple: Will you walk past the needy, or will you stop; help and demonstrate His Real and Radical LOVE? The Bible teaches, my experience proves, that LOVE CHANGES THINGS! This world needs God’s LOVE! This world needs the example of RADICAL LOVE, demonstrated before them, in words and in actions! Let’s be the “Good Samaritan” for this needy world! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!