March 9 “The Church Will Survive” Matthew 16:18
ANNOUNCEMENT: Baptist Tabernacle Church will be 100 years old, in 2022. A grand celebration is planned for May 22, 2022, to commemorate the first service as an organized church body! Special information, recognitions, God’s Word, and a catered meal (Parker’s BBQ) will be a part of the celebration. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the festivities.
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)
Several days ago, I was listening to a program, and the featured speaker was speculating about the demise, or in his words, the destruction of the Church. I was intrigued by this “learned” man’s approach to the dismantling of the Church. Wow! How wrong could he be? Regardless of the opinions and the popular thoughts of the present day, the Church will survive! Peter confessed the true nature and purpose of Jesus Christ, when he declared that Jesus is the Promised Messiah, the Son of the Living and All-Powerful God, and that the very foundation of the Church is fixed on Him and His Power to build, maintain and sustain! The Church is built one stone at a time, and each one of us, Followers of Christ, are the living stones that are placed on the foundation of Jesus Christ! The word “Church” is found two times in the Gospels, and the scripture for today is one of those places. Keep this fact in your minds: Jesus is the foundation of the Church, and we are promised that the very gates of Hell will not and cannot prevail against it! Praise God… We will overcome sin, sorrows, and even death, and the destination of the Church is not the torments of Hell, but the Victory of Heaven! The Church has stood through persecutions and trials and tyrants and ignorance and “enlightenments” and everything that Satan can throw at it, yet the Church survives, and is thriving! The very idea that the Church is in “Free-Fall” is preposterous! Jesus Christ is the Secure and Eternal Rock on which the Church is founded and Satan, not any other power can alter the mission of God’s Creation! Jesus is our “ROCK OF AGES” and we have HIS PROMISE! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!