June 17 Claiming His Promise Matthew 6:33
**I continue to pray for my fellowmen and women! If I were to concentrate on the insanity that exists, then I would be anxious and troubled continually! Latest example would be the elimination of armed police in the schools (School Resource Officers) and replacing them with “Behavioral Specialists (because there is a possibility that some students may be intimidated or uncomfortable with a police presence in the schools).” Unfortunately, Evil continues to expand, and Political Correctness continues to permeate the culture, and “upside down” thoughts and actions have become the “rule!” Please claim the promises of God, embrace His assurance of Victory, and live above the circumstances of this age! “IT IS WHAT IT IS!!” **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Are you a worrier? Do you focus on the problems of life, and forget the solution? Mama used to tell me to “Give it to Jesus!” She would say it with such conviction and with such expectation, that I wondered what she knew that I didn’t. Finally, after several encounters, I ask her how it was that she seemed to be resistant to deep worry and that it appeared that she was insulated from the day to day worries that afflict us all. Her response was priceless… She said that “Jesus said that we were not to worry about what we would eat or drink or wear or the essentials of our lives. God loves us and He has promised that He would take care of us. We are to focus on the real deal of living. We must focus on the ‘Truths’ of God and our relationship with Him.” Folks, that day was a changing point for my life. I realized the “real life” application of God’s Word for my life, and I understood the importance of our growing relationship with our Savior. God has promised that He would take care of the essentials of life and that I am to concentrate on living a Fruit Producing Life that brings Him Honor and Glory! Philippians 4:6 states it so clearly… “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Don’t worry, be focused on Jesus and be grateful for His provision and His sustaining Love. Claim His Promise, Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!