June 30 Standards of Behavior 1 John 3:4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4)
“It’s my way or the highway!” “I’ll take my toys and go home!” As I observe the lawlessness and the blatant disregard for the “rule of law,” in the United States, and the insane notion of “nilly willy” changing the laws to accommodate the evil and sinful behaviors of those who would have our nation to be a land of “feelings,” versus a Land of Laws and Civil Behavior! Wow! Just a week ago, a major network anchor called for the abolishing of the Supreme Court because he didn’t like the ruling coming from the High Court! The constitutional right of owning and bearing arms is under assault! The recent shootings at Ross Elementary School, and the various shootings around the country have caused our political leaders to feel that something must be done to keep this from happening again! I agree! However, without common sense and a reality check, an emotional reaction, or a “I must do something to address this” attitude, we will continue to have these displays of evil, violent, and lawless behaviors to occur! Sadly, the reality of 21st century America is a disregard for law, civil behavior, and the attitude of “Tolerance,” if it fits into a narrow political and radical reformation of our society. When there are no standards of acceptable behavior, then anything goes, and that is exactly what the Satan driven political folks want to be reality. From my perspective, as a Christian, we, as a society, have cultivated these attitudes and their results. Fascinatingly, we continue to pass laws to restrict behavior for certain “unacceptable at the moment” behaviors, while, at the same time, embracing and codifying other behaviors, as long as, these behaviors are promoting and perpetuating our narrow agenda of “Lawlessness”! This debate will continue to rage until God puts a stop to it, when Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom! Dear Friends, just be aware of the evil that is growing! Be aware of the radical, evil attitudes of Anti-Christian, Anti-Law, Anti-American behaviors and understand that Satan and his minions will continue to preach this chaos and will continue to cause havoc among men and women, until Jesus returns. So, what do we do? We claim a relationship with Jesus Christ! We study His Holy Word and we put His word into practice, in our lives! We pray for each other, our leaders (even though they are opposed to everything that you hold dear), and you continue to share the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, with as many people as possible! Focus on what is real and just and honest and is edifying to our Savior and Lord! This world is not my home, I am just passing through! Oh yeah…some will be offended by this statement, however, we are told, in the scriptures, that folks do not want the “Light of Truth” to shine on them, because “men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil!” TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!