July 16 Hearing with Our Hearts Psalm 94:17-19
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, “My foot is slipping,” Your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.” (Psalm 94:17-19)
There are times when the circumstances and challenges of this life approaches maximum capacity. The “Clatter” and “Rattling” of the worldly noises and the constant pulling of our mind and body, in multiple directions, and we find ourselves trying to survive and, not willingly, living out the words of Paul, when he said that the things that he should do, he does not do them and the things that he should not, well, he does them. Throughout the trials and challenges of my life, I have depended on the Strength of my Jesus to walk with me and to sustain me in every encounter. There have been times, unfortunately, when the challenges of live have encircled me and the noise of the many voices that call my name, I find it difficult to hear the VOICE that I NEED to HEAR! Just as the Psalmist, in the scripture today, I have “walked in silence and have felt that my foot was slipping,” as I navigate through this life. Praise God for the Blessed Holy Spirit! In my prayer time, He listens to my cries, and He hears my needs, and He is there to lift my burdens and ease my pains, so why do I not spend more time, with Him, to receive His promises? As for me, I find myself, so busy, attempting to hear Him, with my human consciousness, and fail to connect on the proper level, necessary for direct and clear, uninterrupted communication. You see, I MUST be HEARING WITH MY HEART! As a pastor, I am called to carry the burdens of so many and to stay connected to our God and to do it with a smile on my face and an encouraging word for all. The reality is, that I am only human, and I struggle with the same challenges and issues as every church member. In my quiet time, I began to reflect on the challenges that I face, and I realized that you are facing the same challenges and it is ESSENTIAL for us to remain focused on Jesus, and His Love and Promises in order, to survive this world. Guess what? We are too BLESSED to be STRESSED! “I affirm that God’s power is rising in me, Renewing and healing my body, Bringing power to my mind, Giving me success in my work. I affirm health, energy, enthusiasm, the joy of life. All of this I owe to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. He has given me the VICTORY PRINCIPLE for which I thank HIM EVERY DAY!” I know that you struggle and are challenged, just like me, so, join me in claiming God’s Love, His Power and His Provision, and Live the VICTORY PRINCIPLE, every single day! “NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY…GET BEHIND ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!