August 28 “Sharpen Each Other…” Proverbs 27:17
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)
As our relationship grows with Jesus, our relationships with others should grow! The deeper we dig into God’s Word, and the more Christ-Like, we become, the more that we need each other to navigate through this life! Our God knows the importance of our human relationships and He encourages us to become brothers and sisters, in Christ, and face the challenges of this life, together! So, please recognize that we are not travelling alone, in this world, and, even though, there are times when, being alone, is healthy, we are called to build friendships and relationships that improve each participant and to be an encourager of each other. This verse from Proverbs, produces a clear and strong image of our responsibility towards each other. Do you have “Iron” in your life? Who is it that “Sharpens” you? Iron rubbed against another piece of iron, and it will become sharp, even as it sharpens the other piece. The best of Christ-centered relationships will be like two pieces of iron. A quality relationship will be based on growth in Christlikeness and “Lifting” one another up and “Edifying” Christ, in the growing relationship. Many have said that they didn’t need to go to church to be a Christian, and that is, on the face of it, correct, yet, we miss so much of what God has ordained for us to use and enjoy, in our growth process. True Christian friends will not allow falsehoods to exist within the friendship, nor within the friend. True Christian friends will love one another enough to say what needs to be said, ask tough questions, and expect the same from the other. True Christian friends will “encourage one another all the more as the day approaches” (Heb 10:25). I am grateful for my dear Christian Brother, Ricky Anderson, who has always provided the “Iron” that I need to stay “Sharp” and to keep focused on Growing in Christ! Who is your “Iron?” God has established the plan for each of us to lift-up and to edify each other and continue to grow is our relationship with Christ. Remember, to have a friend, you must be a friend!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!