August 6 The Power of Words Daniel 10:19
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.” (Daniel 10:19)
We are living in some difficult times and there are people that are passing by us, on any given day, that are struggling and depressed and overwhelmed by the constant barrage of negative and destructive information and behaviors that plague and define our Age. I was so very excited to hear these words from a lady at the Walgreens. She said to me, “Jesus Loves You!” Wow! How refreshing these words and her attitude were. I stood in the doorway, for just a moment, and reflected on her words. In our busy and chaotic lives, me must stop and realize that God’s Word brings Life! Those simple words, yet, so profound, encouraged this fellow traveler through this life. I am grateful that God loved me enough to send Jesus to Die for my sins and I want to embrace all that is mine because of this act of Love and Grace. We are called to Love one another and a GREAT WAY to express the Love of God, is to speak words of encouragement and witness. Words are powerful things, and we can use our words to encourage or destroy. I choose to Speak Life and Liberty into the lives of those that I encounter. God has given me the Words of Life that give me the power and the encouragement and the ability to speak these Words of Life for others. God has provided this gift of His Powerful Words and we should use them to provide Healing, Direction, Encouragement, and Love for others. God told Daniel to “Be Encouraged and to Be Strong,” and I am with Daniel, when he responded, “Please speak to me, my Lord, for You have strengthened me!” The more that I consume God’s Word, the more I am excited and encouraged about the future. I love what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 15:16, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.” God’s Word, His Holy Instructions for Mankind, are free for the taking and I choose to “Eat All That I Can, For As Long As I Can,” until I stand in His Presence! Read, Study, Memorize, and use God’s Word, NOW! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!