September 11 “Just Not Enough” Matthew 11:28-30
**Today is the anniversary of a tragic time in our American History. On this day, in September 2001, extreme hatred and the blatant disregard for human life, was tragically and vividly displayed for all the world to see! Since that day, Hatred, and the disregard for life, has continued to grow and examples of this attitude are evident, every day! Living, in the midst, of this prevailing and sad attitude, we must double down on our PRAYER TIME and OUR DEPENDENCE ON GOD’S PROMISES AND PROVISION! Stop for a moment today, and honor the memory of those who, were living their lives as usual, and went to their daily activities, and because of the hatred of our way of life, these innocent individuals, paid the ultimate price! HATRED, IN ANY FORM, WILL ALWAYS BE DESTRUCTIVE AND HAS NO PLACE IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY! JESUS CHRIST is the ANSWER to HATRED! JESUS teaches LOVE, NOT HATE! **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
Wow! There are days when I am so busy that I wonder how I am going to accomplish all that is before me! On those days when I am especially busy, there is a tendency to forgo, or shorten my daily devotional time with God. Amazingly, the busier that I am, the more I need that quiet, alone time with God! The bottom line is, that an abbreviated prayer time is just not cutting it! Believers, we are facing some difficult and trying times, and we must be prayed up, armored up, read up and prepared to face the battle with the Evil One! Listen, we must NEVER neglect our FIRST LOVE, and our SOURCE OF POWER, JESUS CHRIST! Friends, this world exhausts us physically, emotionally and causes us to lose focus on our Spiritual Growth! An abbreviated, short time with God, is simply not going to cut it! We need, we must have extended time with of Savior, for renewal, and for empowerment, and for His sustaining Power and Provision! PLEASE MAKR TIME FOR GOD! It is about your survival, in this hostile and wicked world! He promises REST, so claim it, seek it, and use it! When times get tough, I double my PRAYER TIME! Guess What? The more time that I spend with my God, the more prepared I am for the insanity and challenges of this Evil World! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!