October 7 Let “JOY” Abound Proverbs 16:3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)
Our JOY is not determined by our circumstances! Our JOY is not about good or bad situations or events! True JOY, His JOY is about our commitment to Him and His Promises of Power, Presence and Provision, for every circumstance! Our delight, and our attitudes are not about balmy weather or ice-covered roads or hot days or frozen nights, or any other circumstance, it is about COMMITMENT! God Loves Us Enough, That He Sent Jesus to SAVE Us, and to SUSTAIN Us! We flourish when we are growing in HIS GRACE and in HIS Power and in HIS AMAZING GRACE! When we are growing stronger, each day, in our Faith, we are prepared for the challenges of living, and we are ready to enjoy the fruits of our relationship with Almighty God! JOY is a product of HIS GRACE, and our receiving HIS GRACE, and living each day, claiming HIS BLESINGS! Circumstances, situations, worldly challenges do not determine our JOY! God’s JOY is so much more than circumstances! Our JOY, Our Security, our future is dependent on our growing relationship with God! Give Your Life to God, Today, and Live for HIM, growing and loving and sharing and being what HE has Called you to be! Please Lord, Grant us the courage, wisdom, determination, and vision to claim YOUR Promises and to walk in YOUR AMAZING GRACE! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!