November 25 “BE BLESSED” Numbers 6:24-26
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “The Lord bless thee and keep thee: The Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)
Trusting in the “Goodness” of God and the Promises of His Grace, I am praying that you are Growing and Maturing in the Love of God, Through Jesus Christ and that You are Praising God every day and that You are making a difference in this dark and evil world! It is my desire for you, to be blessed, to enjoy the presence of God and His Blessings and to embrace His Peace. Please encourage others to “Be Blessed,” to Embrace His Love and to Live “Under the Blood” of our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! A dear lady, Mrs. Peggy Wilder, that I respected greatly, had a “saying,” that inspired me every time that I read one on her posts, on Facebook. She ended her words with, “Feeling blessed more blessed & blessed again!” The message for today is simple: BE WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AND LIVE ABOVE THE EARTHLY CIRCUMSTANCES AND RECOGNIZE THE POWER THAT WE HAVE TO BE OVERCOMERS. ENCOURAGE OTHERS, TEACH OTHERS, BE AN EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS, FORGIVE OTHERS, LOVE OTHERS AND FULFILL YOUR PART IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD! As Miss Peggy said, “Feeling blessed more blessed & blessed again!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
SIDE NOTE: February 24, 2008, I became the Pastor of Baptist Tabernacle Church and little did I know, that I was about to be blessed beyond my broadest imagination. This unique gathering of like-minded believers, each with specific talents and energies, blending together to worship and to share the “Good News” and to Enhance the Blessings of God together! Almost 16 years later, the Blessings continue to expand to include new believers and the mission of sharing Jesus with this world continues! What a blessing it is to be a part of the BTC family and to be actively engaged in the Cause of Christ, right here, right now! Miss Peggy was correct: “I am Blessed More Blessed & Blessed Again!”