November 3 Continue Learning Proverbs 1:5
** Please Pray for the Nation of Israel! Pay attention to the Anti-Israel climate that exists across this world. From the UN condemnation of Israel to the local protests that closed a major thoroughfare (147), to the news outlets highlighting the Hamas victimization (even though Hamas attacked and killed hundreds of Israelis), to the Anti-Israel rhetoric, that has permeated our daily lives. This level of Hatred has been predicted and will continue! Please take the blinders off and be aware of the sources of hatred and prejudice that exists! Sadly, our national leaders are paying lip service to support for Israel, yet promoting the insane idea that Israel should not defend herself! It should be a clue, when Russia condemns Israel and declares that Israel doesn’t have a right to self-defense! Please Pray for Israel! If you will recall – God’s chosen People! Recognize that this is not a political issue, this is a Life issue! Just be aware of the deep seeded hatred and generational idea of the systematic destruction of Israel and her people! **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:” (Proverbs 1:5)
Have you ever heard the statement that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” I am here to tell you that God can and does teach old dog’s new tricks! It is important for believers to continue to seek His face and to continue to “dig” deep into His Holy Word, and to continue to learn and to experience His Grace and to be prepared to share and teach about His Love and His Amazing Grace! One thing that my Daddy hammered into my head was the fact that knowing something in our minds and knowing how to apply it or, doing it, are two different things! Folks, God expects us to continue to grow in His Grace and in our Knowledge of Him, with the goal of increasing our “closeness” to Him and to enhance our relationship and to be “effective” witnesses for Him. We must be “Life-Long” Learners, and we must continue to Learn about Him and to continue to Lean on Him and continue to Grow in Him and to experience the “Abundant Living” that He has ordained for us to experience! What God does with you is up to you! It always has, and it always will! Keep Learning, Keep Loving, Keep Experiencing, Keep Sharing, Keep Enjoying His Bounty, and Never, Ever, stop Growing in Him! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!