December 20 Regardless… I AM HIS Psalm 73:26
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:26)
Be Encouraged! When the “Storms of Life” are raging about me, He is Still with me! When my body weakens and I am walking slower and my activities are limited, He is Still with me! When my fellow traveler is difficult and the relationship is strained, He is Still with me! When I am discouraged, and it seems that I can’t go on, He is Still with me! Believers, God is with us through the “Good Times,” and the “Bad Times,” and I am grateful for the Blessings of His Grace and the Promises of His unfailing Love for me! The message for today is a message for eternity: GOD IS IN CONTROL AND HE WILL SAVE YOU, SUSTAIN YOU AND KEEP YOU UNTIL WE SEE IN AROUND GOD’S THRONE, IN OUR HEAVENLY HOME, FOR ETERNITY! We owe Him our devotion, our Love and our every being! These earthly distractions and “momentary” challenges are absolutely nothing, when viewed in the light of His “Forever!” Be Encouraged…Be Faithful…Be Focused on what is Real and Important and is edifying to our God! Be Encourage, that He has committed all that He is, to us (Jesus Christ)! Our responsibility is to “Serve Him!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!