Please share this important information. We are attempting to include all of our members and regular attendees. I look forward to having a new pictorial record of our church family and the amazing God-Centered Activities of our Fellowship!
In His Love,
Pastor Glen
ANNOUNCEMENT: Just a reminder all Church Members! We are making a new church directory and are encouraging all church members to sign up to get your picture made for the directory. The benefit for you is that you get an 8 x 10 portrait absolutely free, and a church directory, if you get your picture made for the directory. Picture dates are April 13, 14, and 15. Pictures will be taken in the Family Ministry Center by professional photographers that work for Universal Church Directories. To sign up you can do one of the following:
1. Go to, click the "Photography Appointment Scheduling Login" button. Enter the church code nc436 and church password photos. Then follow the instructions to sign up.
2. Call the church office at 919-365-5558 between 9 and 12, Monday thru Friday and ask the Church Secretary to sign you up.
3. Someone will sign you up on Sunday Morning in the Education Building, Assembly Room prior to Sunday School and directly after Church.
The more families that sign up, the better the church directory will be. Please sign up! If you are not a member, and have been attending our worship experiences, please have your picture included in the new directory! We want a complete and accurate directory of all the church members.