March 28 Being Responsible 1 Timothy 5:8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church! “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (1 Timothy 5:8)
When did it become the responsibility of others to take care of me and my family? When did it become acceptable to blame others for my decisions and the consequences of those decisions? Growing up in an environment of “Personal Responsibility,” I find it difficult to understand the tendency of others to blame their race, or gender or geography or anything else for their situations and their own decisions! My Daddy witnessed and experienced abuse by his father and he was brought up in an orphanage, where he was required to work for his “Keep!” My Mother grew up in extreme poverty and, yet she was taught “Personal Responsibility!” Folks, every one of us have “Issues,” and every one of us have challenges. We must take responsibility for our own actions and issues and be responsible!! “You are responsible for your own actions and do not blame others for your mistakes!” I heard these words constantly, especially when I attempted to blame others for my own bad decisions and actions. Mama would tell me that “Personal Responsibility” is not an option in the Brock household! When I think back, I have always been taught to take responsibility for myself and to not depend on others to provide for my needs. Daddy taught me to always have a watch, a pocketknife (today, if I were in grade school, I would be suspended, or worse!), a pen and a pocket handkerchief! As I observe the culture of “Blame,” that has overtaken our land, and seems to be the “Norm,” I am saddened to see entire generations that are settling for “Mediocrity!” God has promised “Abundance” and that requires “Responsible Living!” Blaming others for your issues and for your position in life is not productive. Each one of us has the responsibility to take care of our own needs and the needs of our families! Amazingly, our government has promoted this “Dependency” mentality, of assistance and victimhood, and has created this “Dependent” culture. “It is my race, my gender, my environment, my stature, my age, my parents, my nationality, that has caused all of my difficulties…It is not my fault!” Folks, my God does not discriminate, and my God does not see color, gender, nationality, or any other earthly dividing line. God, in His Great Love, expects all of us to have and to exercise Personal Responsibility and Personal Integrity, in our living. I am so grateful that my parents instilled in my life, the need to be “Dependent” on God and to be “Independent” in my personal life!! Satan is using every tool available to deceive and divide folks into believing that they are victims and that their only hope is in this world and its facilities. Keep in mind, the only “Dependence” that Christians need is our “Dependence” on God and His Promises, found in the pages of His Holy Word! I have done a poor job of expressing this vital message, however, please focus on God’s power and direction, and do not blame others for your lot in life! Live above the circumstances and claim victory in your “Dependence” on Almighty God… Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!! (Re-Posted with a Purpose)