April 7 “Sharing the Truth” John 17:18-19
EASTER ANNOUNCEMENT: On April 9, 2023, we will have a “SONRISE” Service. It will begin at 7:00am, and there will be a biscuit and coffee, plus… breakfast afterwards.
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending [my disciples] into the world. And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth." (John 17:18-19 NIV)
In John 17, we experience the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, which happens to be the longest recorded prayer in the Bible. This prayer is an intercession for His Disciples. This prayer assures us that we are “Sanctified” to serve the Lord! The Savior, the True Intercessor has made our sanctification to service as reality! Jesus sent His disciples into the world to bring the “Good News” and to make a difference in the lives of all that they encountered! Jesus gave Himself completely and totally to the Mission that God had ordained for Him, and He has sent us on this same Mission, to share the Good News and to make a difference in the lives of all that we encounter! As Followers of Christ, our Mission is God-Led, God-Inspired, and is God-Ordained! The fact is that we are His, and our Mission is His, because we are followers of Christ, and we belong to Him, and we are called to this Life-Altering Mission! Friends, we need to live our lives as a reflection of His Commission and act as ambassadors for the Cause of Christ, in everything that we do and speak! He has ordained us, He has “sanctified us,” and He has empowered us to “Go into the World” and to proclaim the Good News! Every day, in every situation, I continue to pray that Jesus will make me an instrument of His purpose and regardless of the challenges and difficulties, cause me to be a “Purveyor of the TRUTH!” How about you? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!