June 13 True Freedom John 8:32
**Today’s Headlines speak of actions by others that are deemed inappropriate and offensive! Amazingly, we, as a society, have become so sensitive to every word and action of others, and it seems to be appropriate for us to verbalize our offense, and to highlight and promote our offense and injury. Wow! We have become so super sensitive to every word and action, and the idea that we MUST be offended by anything that conflicts with our thoughts and ideas, traps us in the bondage of Satan and his evil plans! Please do not allow the satanic driven influences to dictate your actions and behaviors! Remember, “Justice,” when driven by satanic forces of hate and prejudice, IS NOT BLIND OR EQUAL!! We must continue to cling to our Freedom that comes from a strong and growing relationship with our Savior! Freedom that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ, and His Grace! Move your “Feelings” off your hand and concentrate on the one that can truly set you free! I continue to Pray for our Nation, Our Leaders (even when I disagree with their direction), Our Churches and Our World! Come “Quickly Lord, Come Quickly”**
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free” (John 8:32)
Much of my early life was characterized by insecurity and shyness and fear! It was difficult for me to face the reality of my fears and insecurities, yet it was the only way to overcome the debilitating effects of this reality! Amazingly, I felt as if I needed to please everyone and that I wasn’t quite good enough to meet the challenge, so I retreated into my “shyness,” and endured a “surface” relationship with others and would never place myself in an uncomfortable position. Fascinatingly, from the time that I was aware of others, my parents had encouraged me and told me that I was special, yet I felt a sense of inadequacy and limited abilities to meet the expectations of others. Daddy invited a young evangelist to come and hold a “Revival” service, and it was at this service, on a Sunday night, that I heard those words that gave me hope! He said that Jesus, “came to make us whole, and to heal the brokenhearted, and to restore the fractures within our lives, and to give us courage to overcome, and to make us acceptable to God!” Well, it was time! Daddy & Mama had been teaching about Jesus, and sharing His glory, since I was a baby, yet this was the time that I heard the Holy Spirit call for me! I did walk the aisle, and I did receive Jesus into my heart, and I did experience a change! Wow! For the first time in forever, I felt that I was worthy of the life that I had been given and I felt freedom, inside and out! Now, I still am a bit shy, and I still have to “push myself,” to deal with crowds, yet I am fully aware that I am justified through HIS Grace, and I am going to be “OK!” Listen, many folks are walking around in “Bondage,” and struggling with each day! I pray the same prayer, at some point in the day, every day: “Dear Lord, please help me to face the reality of my life and remind me that I am free because of your Love for me. Help me to embrace Your Love and freedom and help me to never be bound again in bondage! In the name of Jesus, Amen!” Does this describe you? The solution is simple: JESUS CHRIST IN YOUR LIFE AND THAT’S THE TRUTH! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Re-Print with Purpose)