June 18 Trust in the Lord Proverbs 16:20
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.” (Proverbs 16:20)
Many years ago, Daddy preached a sermon using a story about a man on a bus, and I ran across it a few days ago and I would like to share the message with you today! “I boarded the bus, headed for home, and when I sat down, I noticed a bright-eyed man getting on the bus, behind me. As soon as he, sat down, he began talking in a loud voice. He said, “Hello my friends, how are we all doing this evening? Happy, I am for sure!” “Outstanding!” he said, “You know that God wants us all to be happy!” My thoughts were clear… “Oh no, not another nut!” I began to look up and down the bus and I saw a group of tired and gloomy folks. He continued… “I know that you all have had a hard day, but I can change that! I don’t have a lot of time, so let’s start by, first, being thankful. Yes, thankful that we are all strong and well enough to move our bodies onto this bus, and thankful that we are going home or to a special place.” There was a lady, reading her paper and he said to her, “I suspect that you are headed home to fix supper, aren’t you?” Boy, she glared back at him! “Well, don’t let it be a chore tonight! Make that supper a love offering to the family that you love!” As these words penetrated this lady’s ears, her face began to soften. Is she showing some interest in this possible nut? “And you,” addressing a gruff young man in a Pea Coat. “Go home and call someone, just call them and say that you love them.” The young fellow smiled. I guessed that he was sensing his stop was getting closer, he began to talk faster! “My stop is coming soon, so quickly now, take my advice. Get out of yourselves. Do for someone else. That is a sure way to be happy!” The bus stopped and the door folded open… “One more thing,” he shouted… “Look up Proverbs 16:20!” He did an interesting little jig dance and bounced onto the sidewalk. His little performance took less than 3 minutes. I thought, “was he really a nut?” The doors closed and the bus pulled off and we were speeding towards my stop, and I looked up and down the bus, at the fellow passengers. They were, every one of them, was smiling!! Folks, let us never be afraid to speak the Word of God and to LIVE it, before our fellowmen, and NEVER be Slow to Hear His Word! “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, Happy is he!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!