August 9 “OUR HOPE for TOMORROW” Isaiah 5:20
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
On this day, August 9, 2023, we awaken to a world that is troubled and decaying, and an entitlement attitude and expectation levels that are unsustainable. Evil is rampant and attitudes and morals (basic standards of behavior and civility) are rapidly becoming unrecognizable to anyone with a secure moral foundation that is a product of a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ! That which is “Right,” is deemed “Wrong,” and that which is Truth, is declared a “Lie,” and the Evil continues to grow! Men declaring that they are women, women claiming to be men, political corruption, twisted attitudes of justice and morality, children being exposed to perverted displays of depravity and society battling to make it acceptable and commonplace behavior, and there are those who speculate on what has gone wrong. “Let not your hearts be troubled!!!” This is the Divine Plan of God, as He prepares to fulfill His Promises and His Plans for Humanity! This kind of attitude and behaviors will continue, and grow worse, until Jesus returns to claim His Church! Get Ready, Be Prepared, Seek Jesus, Claim His Grace and Love, and Armor-up for the battle (we are engaged in a battle, daily), and get your Spiritual House in order! It will not be long, and Jesus is coming again! Let me repeat this: JESUS IS COMING AGAIN!!! I have HOPE for TOMORROW, not because of this World, but because of HIS LOVE and HIS AMAZING and SAVING GRACE! I have POWER to LIVE, SHARE, and OVERCOME the INSANITY of this present AGE, and THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, and so do you!!! Share HIS Love with others and continue to Serve Him!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!