September 12 Changing Perspectives Isaiah 5:20
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
Since I was a small boy, I have heard that there would come a day when people, a majority of people, would declare that which has always been Good, to be Evil, and Evil would be declared as Good! Well, that day has arrived! There is a constant barrage of “Godless” and “Twisted” educational materials being forced upon our children! Radical “Anti-Religion,” “Anti-American,” Far Leftist Political Thought, Satan Driven Lawlessness, that has altered the very foundation of our nation and our way of life! I recall what my mother used to say, and it is absolutely True today… “THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH AND IT WILL STAND WHEN THE WORLD IS ON FIRE!” Can you imagine, standing for the National Anthem to be sung, and someone beside you, in the stadium, wearing an expensive shirt, with a chain around his neck that costs several dollars, and sporting some “Air Jordans,” and this person, during the Anthem, shouts, “BS!” (He didn’t abbreviate) … This guy was enjoying the fruits of our system, yet he has been schooled to oppose the very system that has afforded to him, the privileges that he exercises! Who would have thought, that in the United States of America, that the American Flag would be offensive to an American? Who would have thought that a slab of cement would offend someone so intensely that mental, medical care would be necessary? Who would have believed that the time would come when people, supposedly, educated, and intelligent people, would believe that there are more than 2 genders? Who would Have believed that we would be seeing the Evil being played out on the streets and neighborhoods of America? Please be careful what you support and what you demonstrate! Satan loves to use politics and the traditions of politics to promote this twisted and perverse view of life! FACT: The killing of unborn babies IS NOT A CHOICE! We are living in the midst of this insanity and, as Believers, we MUST stay focused on what is REAL, JUST and EDIFYING to GOD! We MUST NOT COMPROMISE OUR FAITH AND OUR ACTIONS! God has told us that this EVIL, Satan Driven Insanity would sweep across our planet and that we are to remain strong and focused and determined to walk in Him! Folks, I am “Doubling Down” on serving God, sharing the Love of Jesus, and “Bent Knee” Praying more, and Reading His Word more, and to make a difference, ONE SOUL AT A TIME! Evil exists, Chaos is Satan’s tool and tactic, Hatred is the result of Sin, and the Devil is the promoter and distributor of Hatred! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…FOR THE CHRISTIAN, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!