January 11 “Place Your Hand in His” Acts 11:21
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And the Hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.” (Acts 11:21)
I was in the Target Store, just recently, and a little boy was frantic and was crying because he had lost his mother. I bent down and attempted to comfort him and to assure him that we would find his mother. Even though he allowed me to assist in the search for Mom, he continued to loudly cry and to call her name! It was clear that my support and my hug was not enough to calm his fears and to ease his anxiety. I began to shout, “Mom,” and within seconds, his mother appeared, and all was well. She calmed his fears and eased his anxieties! That is exactly what was happening in the passage of scripture, for today. When you look around, this is exactly what is happening today! People are stressed out to the MAX! Even though, we are not experiencing the same level of persecution that the early church experienced (yet), we are still being challenged, and circumstances are difficult! Look around…Marriages (and the institution of marriage) are under attack, Individuals questioning their gender, violence and destruction abounds in the inner cities, prices for basic goods and services are skyrocketing, instabilities around the globe, and anxiety and fears abound! Fear Not My Friends… God has our backs! He has not; and will not remove His Hand from our lives! The call, today, is to place your hand in His and hold on, and claim His Grace, His Power, His Provision and His Sustaining Promises, that He WILL see us through until the End! Place your Hand in HIS! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Re-Posting with Purpose)