December 20 “One Accord…” Acts 2:1
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1)
What does it mean to be in one accord? If several people do a particular thing and they, do it in full agreement or accord with one another! Other words would be, unanimously, without exception, by common consent, unitedly in a common cause! God’s Word, from the beginning until the end, teaches and preaches that it should be the reality of Believers to be in “One Accord!” Granted, each of us come from a different place, with various experience levels and understandings, yet we are to be in one accord (get along), based on the Good News of God’s Love, manifested in the Person of Jesus Christ! When professing Christians come together and the will, cause or motives are not centered on the message of Jesus Christ and their actions are not edifying to the Cause of Christ, then personalities, preferences, prejudices, egos, attitudes and harmful words and actions will, ultimately, be the unfortunate results! Thank God for the Diverse Experiences that each one brings to the Fellowship, and it is exciting to be a part of a growing and dynamic cause, but when “My Way or the Highway” attitudes begin to dominate the endeavors, then failure is just around the corner! One Mind, One Accord… Focused on the Cause of Christ, Coming Together to Promote His Word, His Grace and His Holy Mission, NOT OUR OWN NARROW HUMAN IDEAS, DRIVEN BY SELFISH and DISRUPTIVE INTENTIONS! I continue to Pray for the “Church,” God’s Anointed Peoples, that we would understand the concept of harmony and unity, not based on human emotions, but the Divine Nature of a HOLY GOD, and His Complete Love for Humanity! Just yesterday, I was asked if I had heard about the issues going on in another church fellowship, very close to our own church, and the comments were sad and the words had to have made Satan smile! HERE IS A THOUGHT! If you come together with an ATTITUDE, check it at the door! If you have a desire to disrupt and to be a “stumbling block,” then check it at the door! The assembly of God’s People is NOT FOR CHAOS and DISHARMONY! Because of the Selfless Grace of God, through Jesus Christ, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have the opportunity to actually fulfill the mandate of “getting along,” and Being in ONE ACCORD! Before you act, speak or otherwise do anything that is not edifying to the Cause of Christ, STOP, DROP, and PRAY for UNITY in JESUS, EMPOWERED by the BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Sray Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!