February 15 Boldness with Strength Psalm 138:3
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina … “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Psalm 138:3)
King David wrote this psalm while his enemies were surrounding him, with evil intentions. Guess What? That’s correct! Problems, challenges, threats, chaos, peril, and a host of other issues befall us in this life! Trouble is a FACT OF LIFE! Folks, I have some GOOD NEWS and some BAD NEWS! The Bad News is that as we are “Born of Woman,” we “ARE GOING TO HAVE TROUBLE!” The Good News is that we have a powerful, ever-present, promising, and loving God who is ready to do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves and is ready to guide us, to protect us and to sustain us! God told Paul that He would not remove the “Thorn in the Flesh,” that Paul was afflicted with, however, He promised that “HIS GRACE WOULD BE SUFFICIENT!” God does answer our prayers and HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR OUR TROUBLES! Remember John 16:33, as it makes a firm and eternal promise to us: “These things I have spoken to you, that in ME you may have Peace. In this world you will have Tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Friends, even in the midst of these unprecedented times, God is still guiding, teaching, sustaining and Loving US! Yes, we will have troubles and strife and chaos and evil that confronts our very core of existence, yet, we are Promised VICTORY! He said that “HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD,” so, when we are HIS, and HE dwells in us, and we walk in HIS SPIRIT, then, THAT MAKES US OVERCOMERS! SO, we are OVERCOMERS-VICTORS, what do we do now? WE LIVE LIKE OVERCOMERS! WE HONOR GOD WITH OUR LIVES AND OUR SERVICE! WE DEMONSTRATE A FAITH THAT IS STRONG AND GROWING! WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR GOD, RIGHT WHERE WE ARE! WHAT GOD DOES WITH US IS ENTIRELY UP TO US! IT ALWAYS HAS AND IT ALWAYS WILL! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Be Real, Be Active and Be True! THE BEST IS YET TO BE!