February 4 Chosen, and Empowered 1 Peter 2:9
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” (1 Peter 2:9)
There are days when I must spend more time (than usual) in prayer! Satan brings his “A” game against me and tries to discourage and deflate me! Well, his job is extremely difficult, and I make it so! Each day, we I begin to feel the attacks of Satan, I stop and recite these words… and I reset, and refresh and continue to serve! “I am the Son of the King, who is not moved by the issues of this world. My God is with me, and He goes before me, and I do not fear because I AM HIS! I affirm that God’s power is rising in me, renewing, and healing my mind and body, bringing power to my mind, giving me success in my work. I affirm health, energy, enthusiasm, the joy of life. All of this I owe to JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior! He has given me the “VICTORY PRINCIPLE” for which I Thank Him every day! “NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY!” Satan continues to attack, using individuals and situations that you would never believe that he could use, to complicate and disrupt the sharing and the witness of God’s Amazing Grace and His Good News! I suspect that you deal with many of the same issues, as you serve! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!