March 9 Who is in Charge of Your Life? Matthew 12:25
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Pastor of Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, NC… “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.’” (Matthew 12:25)
As I observe the activities and the actions of churches around the area, it becomes clear that the idea of “God’s Will” may not be the defining force in church life! Recently, I have had the privilege to counsel 2 young, gifted pastors that have become discouraged and, unfortunately, are questioning their calling to pastoral ministry, and are considering the idea of leaving the pastoral ministry. Sadly, every word, every issue that these two fellow believers shared with me, I have felt those same issues! My words to them were, and continue to be, “Anchor Deep, Pray More, Study More, Pray More, Pray for Wisdom, Continue to Grow in His Grace, and as you mature in the Faith, you will see the need to continue to proclaim His Grace and Guidance!” I explained that there will always be “Tares among the Wheat!” Individuals, and they will always be quick to disrupt and to use every means available to create chaos and disharmony! Amazingly, over the years, fellow believers continue to have personality conflicts and challenges as we serve God in the church! A simple question, applied to every issue, would solve many of the ongoing challenges! “IS IT EDIFYING TO CHRIST AND WILL IT PROMOTE UNITY AND IS IT A TRUE WITNESS FOR JESUS?” When we remove personalities and prejudices from our encounters, and we desire the unity of the body, then our motivations are different! Sadly, well-meaning, and dedicated individuals are either active in creating offences or they are the ones being offended! HE Knows our thoughts and HE is fully aware of our Motivations! We are to, as much as possible, to live peaceably with everyone! Unfortunately, when people come together to accomplish any good thing, personalities prevail! Are your words and actions building up the body of believers or are your words and actions tearing down the fellowship of believers? “My Way or the Highway” attitude and mentality WILL NOT and DOES NOT EDIFY and GLORIFY GOD! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! I am asking you to Pray for the Pastors around our area, and to focus on living out, in every area of your life, the divine calling on your life, to be a witness for Him, every day, in every way! Be a UNITER, not a DIVIDER! Remain Strong, Remain Focused … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!