April 20 “Flawed, but Faithful” Psalm 23:4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
Recently, I had the privilege to talk with a young pastor friend and from his first word spoken, I could tell that things were not right. As the conversation unfolded, it was clear that the challenges and struggles of the pastoral ministry were weighing him down. There seemed to be a dread and a fear in the way in which he shared his troubles. It became apparent that he was grateful for the opportunity to share (unload) his struggles to me. He laid out the complete sorted list of challenges and shortcomings of his entire church flock. Let me add that this church is his first congregation, and he has been overwhelmed at the reality of “Church Life!” I could sense a question was forming in his mind, and I was waiting for him to speak it! Oh boy, it finally happened! “How do you deal with conflicts and challenges between professing believers and their idea that they are righteous in their position and that compromise is out of the question? How do you handle the obvious evil that has to be motivating their actions and words? Have you ever been afraid to say anything because it will be turned around and used against you?” Wow! Quickly, I began to ask the Holy Spirit for words and wisdom in order to help my young brother! I began by reminding him of his Calling and his Mission! God has not called us to be fearful or discouraged! Even when we go through the darkness of this evil world, we are not in darkness! I explained that well meaning individuals, with “Church” motivations, may not be expressing the best of the Grace of God and that we have the promises of God to insulate and to protect us! As long as you remain focused on HIM and refuse to be distracted by the wiles of the devil, regardless of who he uses, and embrace the power that is ours through His Grace and remember that we are not alone! He seemed to be amazed and a bit disturbed by the fact that imperfect people were serving in the church and that, because they were church folk, that conflict and ego and prejudices and personalities, and “My way or the Highway” attitudes existed! Sadly, many young men are choosing to leave the pastoral ministry because of the discouragement and opposition that they are encountering within the modern church. My advice to him was a bit simplistic and basic, yet effective in the battle to survive. I suggested that he must fortify himself through Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for those that are creating the issues and ask God to make them miserable until they surrender to His Will and His Desires. I suggested that he commit himself to “Never Ceasing” Prayer! I continued to express the fact that victory is his through Jesus and that he MUST claim the Promises of God! I asked him if the ideas and issues that he is promoting are promoting harmony or strife and are they edifying to the body of Christ? The last thing that I shared is FACT: There are “Tares among the Wheat.” There are pseudo-Christians, wolves in sheep’s clothing, pawns for Satan, and a host of other false witnesses that are not spiritual but are legalistic! How do you deal with this insanity? YOU DON’T! You submit it to God, plead the Blood of Jesus over it, and you continue to grow and serve, regardless of the worldly influences that have gripped the church! He looked at me and seemed to be perplexed, yet comforted, at the same time. “So, it is not about the problem makers, it is about me?” Finally, he grasped the reality! There are going to be “problem people,” “Tares that create issues,” “Baby Believers” that need training and guidance and correction and encouragement, and our mission is to grow personally, claim His power to witness and to be the Best that God can make! Pastoral ministry is Hard! There are days that you walk through “darkness,” and you see the hand of Satan in many attitudes, actions, words, and plans! FACT: Just because one has an office in the church, this includes the pastor, and has a title, does not mean that they are a growing and dedicated Bright Light for Jesus! It boiled down to who we serve and what motivates our actions and behaviors! Sadly, this young man is leaving the pastoral ministry because he has become disillusioned with professing believers who are more concerned with winning a battle than the war for souls! True Confession: There are days when I want to walk away and let the chaos continue! There are times when I want to send some to their rooms without supper! There are days when I am amazed at the immaturity among believers and the confusion that occurs because of “infant” attitudes. There is a thought that a pastor’s job is a “piece of cake,” and that “that is a lot of money that we pay him for 3 hours a week!” My conversation with this young man revealed much about my own ministry and how I have navigated the choppy waters of pastoral ministry. I Thank God that I recognize the shortcomings and imperfections in others (and in myself), while at the same time asking, praying, believing that God will teach me, fortify me, empower me, and guide me to be a witness to fellow imperfect believers! The last thing that I told this young man was that regardless of the chaos and issues that I deal with at BTC, I am still the Shepherd of the Greatest Church Family in the known World! Although we are flawed, we are forgiven, although we often disagree, we are family, although we often act like squabbling children over a cookie, we still are committed, and although we are individuals with our own attitudes and opinions, we are all connected by His Holy Word! Please Grow, Please Live Up to the Promises of the Cross! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!