April 21 Dealing with Adversity Romans 5:3-4
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:3-4)
One true and overwhelming fact of life is the reality that we will experience adversity and difficult times at some point in our life’s journey! For the Believers, we are promised that our challenges will produce patience, which will produce character, that will lead to HOPE! Recently, I was counseling with a young man that is having some unique health issues and he is so bitter and angry, and his entire attitude is being colored by his unfortunate situation. I was not aware that he was familiar with my own health struggles back in 2014. He asked me how I faced cancer and colon surgery and didn’t seem to be bothered by the struggle. I explained that I am confident in my Savior and that He Promised Victory! I asked him if he was a Christian (I already knew the answer), and he said that he was not. Wow! Thank You God for this opportunity! I began to share the Good News with him, and he seemed to be listening and then, he asked a good question. “If I am a Christian, am I going to be immune to these issues?” “NO!” I went on to explain that Life is not Easy, and that Saved and Unsaved folks experience the challenges and difficulties of Life, but the difference is the HOPE that Believers have through the Great Promises of God! I explained the HOPE that comes from a growing relationship with God and that adversity produces strength and because of the HOPE that we have in Jesus, we can have JOY in the Face of Adversity! HARD TIMES ARE REAL AND WILL CONTINUE TO EXIST! This young man, so broken and sad, began to weep and he said that he wanted to have this HOPE! Praise God, I had the opportunity to navigate him into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and at this point, our conversation took on a new and exciting character. He asked if I would pray with him and before I could speak, he began to pray. Amazingly, this beautiful young man, just 15 minutes before, had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, began to speak to God with humility and longing! He prayed that God would help him grow so that the adversity would not cripple him, and he prayed that God would give him this HOPE, and he continued to ask God for Patience in the struggle and for God to help him be an example for others! I sat there amazed! PRAISE GOD! I witnessed a complete ATTITUDE change! I was not expecting him to ask about our Kayla, but he did. Once again, he asked how we were coping with the ongoing health issues of our only little girl. I attempted to explain that I continued to claim God’s Promises and I continue to place her on the Altar, every single day, and that Annette and I are Expecting, Claiming, Believing and Anticipating God’s Will to be accomplished in this struggle! Friends, are you going through some difficult times and are you feeling as if you are the only one with difficulties and struggles? YOU ARE NOT! Remember, having joy in troubles produces Patience, and Patience produces Character, and Character produces HOPE! The HOPE that sustains us in and through every struggle and trial! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
P.S. I encouraged him to go to his Pastor and share the story and to follow his Salvation in Water Baptism. He did, and I look forward to praying with this young man and I look forward to, one day, worshipping God around His Throne, together, in Heaven! When was the last time that you shared the Good News with others? Focus on the Miracle of God’s Love and allow the Holy Spirit to empower you to “Live Above the Circumstances” and to enjoy His Amazing Grace!