April 22 “We are at War” Ephesians 6:12/ Ephesians 6:18
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)
(Definition of Supplication: Petition; an expression of need)
When Paul wrote the words of Ephesians 6:12, he was clearly describing the battle that we face against Satan. Paul was correct; we are in a battle, a war for the very soul of humanity! We ARE AT WAR AND WE HAVE AN ENEMY! SATAN is the ENEMY and, you can believe, that he is engaged in constant warfare against you! He will, and does, use any person or situation to further his EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE cause! When I reflect on my personal battles, in this War, I am amazed that Satan has (and I suspect will continue) used my family, friends, even fellow church folk to attack and to cause me to take my focus and devotion away from my Jesus. I once heard Satan described as the Minister of Fear and the Promoter of Destruction! How do we battle this EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE force in our World? PRAYER IS OUR STRATEGY AND OUR POWER AND OUR WAY TO VICTORY! We have got to be Persistent in our Prayer Life! We must Believe, that is, have FAITH in the Possibilities of our PRAYERS! We must “Pray in the Spirit,” and Claim the Power of our Prayers! We must be Diligent, Vigilant, and Watchful in Prayer! We must Persevere in our Prayers! We must Recognize the Purpose of Our Prayers and Claim Victory through our Privilege to approach the Throne of Grace in PRAYER! So, how do we overcome the EVIL and CHAOS of this DAY? WE PRAY, THEN PRAY SOME MORE, THEN AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! Are you getting the message? Our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ Love and Righteousness and His Promises of Victory! Through Jesus, we have Victory in the War with Satan, and we ARE OVERCOMERS! I am so grateful when I am told that I am being prayed for! What a privilege to make someone’s prayer list! Who is on Yours? Again… The WAR is ALREADY WON; We HAVE TO CLAIM VICTORY AND LIVE VICTORIOUS! Stay Strong, Stay Focused … Remember … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!