April 26 “Living the Love of God” Hebrews 12:14 (NIV)
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14 NIV)
Jesus was preparing to leave the earth and to return to His Father, and before He left, He gave specific instructions for our actions and behaviors! He declared that we are to go out into the world and to share the Good News and to make Disciples of all the nations of the world! How are we to do this when there is so much chaos and dissent and hatred and disagreements and social and political divisions? The overwhelming fact is that we MUST be in a growing relationship with the Father, through the Son, embracing and living the message of Good News, and be agents of His Grace and Redeeming Love! Folks, as Believers, we are the conduit through which the Blessed Holy Spirit is visible and alive for the nations of the world! Our desire, Our Mission, Our Responsibility, is to Be Holy, Live Holy, Speak Holy, Act in His Holiness, and to nurture a consistent relationship with the Holy Spirit as we Proclaim the Good News and make Disciples of everyone that will hear! When Christ is seen through us and we are living in His Grace, then, and only then, will we be fulfilling the instructions from Jesus! Amazingly, when we have as our goal to Share the Good News and to Fulfill the Mandate for believers and to make Disciples of everyone that we share the Good News with, then, we don’t have time to be “Petty, and Selfish, and Difficult and Easily Offended!” Our Focus will be on the Mission, God’s Holy Mission, and the Blessing of His Redeeming Grace! If you want to show God’s Love, then Receive it, Grow in it, and then, SHARE IT WITH OTHERS! To teach Discipleship, we MUST first be Disciples! Stay Strong, Stay Focused … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!