April 3 Genuine & Authentic 1 Corinthians 11:1
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1)
We are living in a world of phonies, hucksters, imitators, and fakes. Think about it… Furniture that looks like wood but is something else, nails that are fake, eyelashes that are not real, knock-off merchandise that “looks” like the real thing but is not the same! So many years ago, my dear daddy taught me to spend a little more and get the real thing! We are informed, from the scriptures, that wolves will be moving about in sheep’s clothing and that there will be “Tares” among the “Wheat,” and that we must be prepared to deal with the “Fakes” of this world! As a Born-Again Believer, it is my basic task to imitate Christ in a genuine and real manner, in character, in attitude and in my very basic behaviors! Guess What? When I continue to imitate Jesus, growing every day in His Grace and Mercies, I continue to develop into the person that God expects, and I am continuing to Honor Him and to Reflect His Love and His Divine Nature to this Lost and Dying World! Be Real! Be Genuine! Be About the Father’s Business! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…. THE BEST IS YET TO BE!