April 6 “Things Change” Hebrews 10:23
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)
The life that we live, in the 21st century, is amazingly busy, crazy, and rapid! Time is flying by and we, often times, are simply holding on as time rushes by before our eyes! When I think of time flying, I look at our Ava. Just a short time ago, she was beginning to crawl, and now, she is reading difficult books and sharing amazing words of wisdom, well beyond her years. Wow! It seems that, just yesterday, I was changing her diapers, and now, I have the privilege to watch her light up the stage when she dances! The reality of life is simple! WE CHANGE! Think about it… We Change, Our Children Change, Jobs Change, Unfortunately, Partners change, We Change Automobiles, Many Change Churches! The reality of change is that it comes with uncertainty. When we think about it, Life comes with a massive amount of the unknown! Each new day brings the opportunity for change, for improvement, for growth. With the uncertainty of Life and the challenges that exist, there is only ONE that we can count on! That is JESUS CHRIST! He is constant, He is Faithful, and he is always with us, regardless of the changing circumstances! FACT: You will change, You will grow… Please Focus on JESUS and allow HIM to GUIDE your STEPS, HOLD you CLOSE, and ENJOY the REALITY of HIS FAITHFULNESS! I am so grateful for God’s Consistent and Powerful Love for Me, and I “Hold fast to the Hope, without a doubt, and I am Claiming His Promises!” Change is inevitable, so let God Change You into what He Desires for you to be! Stay Strong, Stay Focused … THE BEST IS YET TO BE!