May 26 Lift One Another UP! 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
The Church, the Group of Individuals that have been Redeemed by the Grace of God through the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ, are the Body of Christ and we were made to act in Harmony with One Another! Encouragement is the very foundation of the relationship and that will only occur when we are focused on His Will, not our own! Growing in His Grace and in His Power is essential for us to be Encouragers! Keep in mind, as individuals, we will disagree about process and procedures, and we will focus on the “winning” versus the “edifying,” and there will be times that “truth” takes a “back seat,” and encouragement is replaced with criticism and that is when unity, harmony and focus will fracture into pieces! ENCOURAGEMENT begins with our GROWING RELATIONSHIP with THE SAVIOR, and when WE FOCUS on HIS WILL, NOT OURS! Arguments, Disagreements, Egos, Attitudes, Human Reactions are Enemies of Harmony and Encouragement! AGAIN, it is OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THAT WILL DETERMINE OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS! Our God Delights when His Children are building each other up and Encouraging each other and walking together in Unity around His Great Love! BOTTOM LINE: Get right with GOD, Continue to Mature and Grow in Your Faith, Pray for One Another, Surrender your Ego to JESUS, and Allow the HOLY SPIRIT to GUIDE, PROTECT, ENCOURGE, and to PROTECT YOU! A heart of Unity will be the By Product of a Growing and Maturing Relationship with God! Living with People IS NOT EASY! BEING an ENCOURAGER is NOT EASY! LIFTING UP ONE ANOTHER IS NOT EASY, BUT IT IS REQUIRED! Am I offended, or is this an Opportunity for Intercessory Prayer? Please keep in mind, as the Pastor of an Amazing Congregation, I am called to Demonstrate His Unity, Promote His Unity, Teach His Unity and to Live His Unity, at the same time, to Help Guide and Encourage Unity among the Fellowship (Sometimes easy, other times, not so much)! If Unity (Focusing on JESUS) is to occur, if Unity is to be a growing reality, then we must “let go” of our Human Motivations and we must Focus on His Grace, His Will, His Purpose and His Glory! UNTIY, HARMONY, FELLOWSHIP and PROMOTING GOD’S GRACE IS COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY UP TO YOU! Ego vs Edification, Harmony vs Hard Feelings, Dominance vs Submission, Temporal vs Eternal… PLEASE PRAY! PLEASE ASK GOD TO MAKE YOU “A HEAVY LIFTER!” As for me, I choose to Encourage my Fellow Travelers, and to LIFT THEM UP! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!