May 31 HIS Great Love… John 15:13
** I was going to post an appeal for sanity and for common sense to be applied to the issues and situations of the present day, yet why would I do this? Evil, Chaos, Lies, Deceptions, Political Bias, Manipulations, Prejudice, Fear, and the Idea of Winning at Any Cost will continue for those who feel that they are justified in their righteous pursuits! Reality is Clear! This Insanity and Systematic Destruction of the very Foundations of our Society will Continue until Jesus Returns! The Attitudes and Actions will only be Changed by a Change in Perspective, and that will only be Through the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ! So, Buckle up, Keep Praying, Keep Reading His Word, Keep Sharing the Good News, and be Aware that this is the Plan for Man! Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled! For the Unbeliever, this is as Good as It Gets, but for the Believer, this is as Bad as it gets! **
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
In 1 John 4:8, John wrote to the early church that “God is Love!” Christianity is the only earthly belief system that, has at its foundation, the reality of Loving One Another! Love is the key. Love is the central part of our God’s very nature and existence. It is because of God’s amazing Love that He sought a vital relationship with sinful men and women, even at the cost of His Only Begotten Son. It was this GREAT LOVE that brought Jesus to the Cross, and it was this amazing Love that Jesus demonstrated, on that old Cross, is the reality of God’s GREAT LOVE for us! So, when Jesus says that; “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends,” it is a statement of our requirement to Love God and our Neighbor! Our Jesus, willingly and with divine purpose, went to the Cross and suffered and died for our sins and this is the Greatest Act of Love that the world has ever known!! Jesus came because God Loves us and Jesus, in His Love for Mankind, was willing to be the one, true, and final blood sacrifice for our sins! That, my friends, is LOVE. I am excited to be a part of that “Shed Blood Experience” and to call Jesus, friend. As my friend, I am in communication with Him, and to have Him share in my burdens, and grateful that He intercedes, with the Father, on my behalf. The reality is clear, we are to Love God, Embrace and claim His Love through Jesus and to GO and SHARE this LOVING RELATIONSHIP and this LOVING FRIENDSHIP with everyone that we meet!! Thank you God for Loving me enough to “Lay Down Your Son’s Life For ME!” IT IS ALL ABOUT HIS LOVE FOR US!! DO YOU REALLY LOVE HIM? Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Re-Posting)