June 28 “LET IT GO!” Isaiah 41:13
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” (Isaiah 41:13)
“You have to let it go Son!” I can hear my mother saying those words to me, and she did it to teach me that there are times when you simply must let it go! My nature is to “Fix” folk, but the reality is, that I cannot “fix” some folks and their issues and behaviors can only be “fixed” by the Lord God Almighty! When I encounter this situation, I must “Let it go!” When I am faced with the insanity and the inconsistencies of this life, and the behaviors and actions of “Professing” fellow believers that do not match their words, and they attempt to force their unbalanced beliefs of me, I must “Let it go!” Praise God, as I release more and more of these things into the direct care of my Savior, and I pray that He will remove any thoughts of “taking them back,” and continue to empower me to live to honor and glorify Him! My security is found in the promise of His Forever Love, and His Ability to be with me, forever! Regardless of the insanity, inconsistencies and the twisted actions of others, He has Promised that His Presence IS with me, and that “He will help me!” No circumstance, no situation, no one person can shake that Security! As I release more and more into the care of my Savior, I am free to embrace His Grace and Grow in His Love! So, as Mama would say, “LET IT GO!” Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!