June 27 Edifying Christ, in EVERYTHING 1 John 1:6-7
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina…“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:6-7)
Is it possible to be a “Born-Again, Blood Brought” child of Almighty God, and demonstrate a social and political position that is contrary to His Holy Word? Is it possible that our social and political beliefs and actions are separate and apart from our Christian Commitments? Can we promote a political or social position that is opposed to the standards and commitments and commandments of Christ, and God’s Holy Word? (“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8) It is my conviction, and my Biblical observation, that every believer MUST demonstrate a true and total commitment to God’s Word in ALL that we DO and all that we SAY, and that means to be genuine and real in every aspect of our lives! The idea that we can be one thing in our social interactions and another in our Christian interactions or our political interactions, is inconsistent with the call to be Holy and to demonstrate HIS HOLINESS! Our walk with Christ MUST be CONSISTENT with God’s Holy Word, and we MUST demonstrate HIS LOVE and Our Commitment to HIS LOVE, in our thoughts, actions and endeavors, and our actions MUST reflect HIS Message and HIS Love and HIS Power! I am amazed that individuals, that are active “churchgoers,” promoting positions and ideas that are opposed to the standards of God’s Holy Word! If our political positions or our social positions are opposed to God’s Word, then, we need to re-assess our priorities, and determine if we are truly committed to the Love of Christ and HIS Saving Grace! BOTTOM LINE: If our political or social positions are opposed to the standards of God’s Word and our positions are not edifying to the Body of Christ, then we need to leave it alone, and seek His Face and continue to Grow in His Grace and Love! Satan is attacking and we MUST be prepared to face the battle that is upon us! Our job is to PROCLAIM JESUS to this Lost and Dying World. 1 Corinthians 14:8 declares a truth: “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” As a Professing, Born-Again Christian, your witness, your voice MUST be clear and committed, and NOTHING IN THIS WORLD SHOULD MUFFLE OR HAMPER YOUR “TRUMPET CALL” TO THE LOST FOLK IN THIS WORLD!! Be Consistent, Be Committed, Be Truthful, Be REAL! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
P.S. Just recently, I was involved in a conversation with a group of fellow believers, and the issue of politics and social issues came up. Amazingly, and surprisingly, one of the individuals active in the conversation made a bold and powerful statement! He said that he would never vote for a certain political party, and especially a particular candidate, and he didn’t care who or what the other party stood for, he was going to vote for that party representative, the party that his granddaddy, and his daddy always voted for. All eyes fell on me for a response (or I felt like they were looking to me), and I reluctantly spoke. I asked a simple question. “What if your candidate, your party, holds a position and agenda that is directly opposed to the Faith and Good News that you possess and profess to believe?” “It don’t matter! I won’t never vote for a “@#*&” candidate!” Shocked, saddened, and a bit confused, I walked away from this conversation with a realization that, for some, traditions overpower common sense, politics is more important than Christian Faith, and that “My Way or the Highway mentality” trumps the Good News message of Salvation and Redemption! The conversation, at this point, was over for me! My last words to this individual actually made him angry! I told him that I was committed to praying for him and that I would continue to ask God to intervene in his life! Wow! He was not a “Happy Camper,” and his bias, anger and his “Tradition Guided Attitude and Politics” came pouring out of his mouth, and I can state emphatically, that his words were not edifying to the cause of Christ! Friends, You and I can, and will, disagree on politics, and even social positions, but, and I say this as strongly as I can, as a professing “Born-Again” Christian, if you are living your life, representing and proclaiming anything other than the Saving Blood of Jesus Christ and its ability to Transform your Living, then you are NOT REPRESENTING JESUS, BUT YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND SECULAR THOUGHTS, and these thoughts ARE NOT EDIFYING TO OUR SAVIOR! You can’t have it both ways… (“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8). Sadly, there are so many that believe that their spiritual lives and their public lives are completely separate! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!