Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? (Romans 6:1-2)
Over the past several months, I have been presented with a number of opportunities to counsel, guide, and assist fellow travelers, along this journey of life. Amazingly, one reality stands out as a sad and disturbing fact! Every single one of the individuals was not interested in change or repentance or atonement, they were seeking approval for their sinful activities, and had no thoughts of remorse. Sadly, when I would not offer some sort of approval or “absolution,” they ended our communications, and were angry when they departed. Wow! If you recall, when Jesus told the prostitute that He did not condemn her, he closed His statement with clear instructions. He told her to “Go and Sin No More!” Pay close attention, REPENTANCE is NOT Repeating the same sin, over and over, with the idea that condemnation is not going to be a part of the equation! We are to repent of our sins, forsake the sinful activities, and return to the healthy spiritual relationship with God, made possible by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ! You are with Him, or you are not! It is really simple! If you claim it, then live it, and let Him shine through you! Wake up and realize what you are doing and how you are living and take ownership of your actions and make the decision to change your ways, or you have already decided to deny, to lie, and refuse to walk in God’s Grace and Power! Make sure to be aware that your actions have consequences, so decide right now, how you will live! Don’t complain and moan about how “hard your bed is” because you have made it!! Recognize your Sin, Repent (Turn away from- forsake it) of your Sin, Ask God to Forgive you and to Cleanse you, and then, Leave that Sin alone, and Focus on what is eternal, versus what makes you, in your flesh, “Feel” good! GOD IS NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR FEELINGS, ONLY YOUR FAITHFULNESS! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!
P.S. I have been asked about the perceived mockery that was part of the opening ceremony for the Olympics, and I have shocked so many when I say that I do not appreciate the sacrilegious imagery (even though various explanations have come forth to discount the purpose and to explain the imagery) and the singling out of Christianity (or the perceived references to Christianity) for the disrespectful display, however, what do you expect? This is a country, in my opinion, that has demonstrated a lack of strong moral fiber and the French Olympic Committee decided to project a message of “Woke” Reality and they have the World Stage to display their twisted and perverse beliefs. It is so sad that this intentional disregard and mocking of the sacredness of God, the Christian Faith and Symbols, will cause many to disregard the incredible athletes that have worked, prepared and will compete for their individual countries. I am committed to praying for the French Olympic Committee, and everyone that was involved with the mockery (Sadly, some continue to explain and to clarify that it wasn’t about Christians, well too late! The necessity to explain the images and actions and decisions that were purposely made by the French Olympic Committee speaks volumes about their intent and their purpose.) I am praying for Christ to convict their hearts and to place them in the path of strong believers that will overwhelm them with the Good News! Can you imagine, the uproar and the violence, and the Worldwide Outcry, if the French Olympic Committee had decided to mock and belittle (whether perceived or real) the sacred symbols and institutions of the Muslim faith? I intend to watch the gymnastics and swimming portions of the competitions, and that is it! I can only imagine what twisted and perverse crap will be a part of the Closing Ceremony! Yet another opportunity to explain away what is meant by the imagery and the pageantry of the perverted and sad reality of the anti-Christian attitudes and beliefs of growing evil! My suggestion for you is simple … Do what you feel is best! Regardless of you watching or not, please join with me in praying for these sad and “Hell bound” individuals! Be Prepared… It is going to get worse! We have been warned! John 3:16 needs to be embraced!