August 1 The Church… Acts 2:46-47
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “So, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46-47)
Almost every time that I help a family with a funeral, for their loved one, the funeral home will do a DVD of the pictures of their lives. Usually, the pictures will be from the earliest times of their lives, up to the present day. When I think about the scripture for today, and I think about the DVD’s, of one who has passed, I think about the “Church” and what would a DVD look like today! The authors of the New Testament used beautiful words to create pictures of the amazing images of the early church. Amazingly, the church, in its infancy, was a powerful influence in the community and the individuals that made up the church were committed and dedicated to the same goal! They were committed to sharing the Good News and to Fellowship with God and each other! Folks, these words from Acts 2, still paint a portrait of what the church should be!! On Thursday, July 22, 2021, I was a part of an ordination council, for a prospective pastor, in the Triangle East Baptist Association (formerly the JBA), and Dr. Hinton was discussing the role of the pastor and the changing dynamics of the ministry and the church, and he said something that has stayed with me. He asked the candidate if he had ever considered being a “Church Planter.” He continued to explain the extreme need for new churches, with new enthusiasm and new commitments! As I thought about this, I realized that the “Existing Church Structure,” is not fulfilling the mandate of the “Early Church!” A picture of the experience that I endured, just, a few short years ago, when I was ministering to a young man, and he had been offended by someone in the church body, and he said that he was leaving the church! You know the thought… “I’ll get my toys and go home” mentality. This is not “finding favor” or “gladness!” It boils down to this fact: If the church, as it exists today, were following the example of the early church, then the need for a “New” church plant would not be necessary! Folks, the picture that God provides, for us, from Acts 2, does not even resemble the church of today! What is our priority? Why are we not “in one accord?” These early believers were dedicated followers and they had re-focused their lives and were living for Christ and that which was their attitudes and actions, no longer existed. They were united under a single, life changing element: THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST & HIS REDEEMING GRACE! People were drawn to this new fledging divine movement, and they were being saved from their sins and added to the church through their FAITH in the Person and Power of Jesus. So, compare the picture of the church, from Acts 2, and today! How are we doing? Do we need to return to our roots? You see, “A picture is worth a thousand words!” I am praying every day, that God will use me to lead and direct the church (Baptist Tabernacle) into a renewed vision and a more active role in sharing the Good News! It is JESUS, not jobs or structures or trappings, or even our “feelings!” Fellowship requires FAITH, Commitment, Focus, and the ability to lay aside our preconceived notions, and our human desires and prejudices, and to fully surrender to God!! HE MUST BE THE SINGLE PRIORITY IN YOUR LIVING! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!