August 22 Let His River Flow…. John 7:38
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)
Our Living is made so much sweeter when we are walking in the Love of God and trusting in His Holy Word! Our plans, our jobs, our families, our very existence comes from a Loving God and we need to recognize this fact and live accordingly! We will never be more alive, more joyful, more content, than when we are Growing in His Holy Word, and embracing our relationship with Him! We have been given an incredible gift! We are assured that God Loves Us, and that He Sent Jesus to Die for Our Sins, and because of His Great Love, and the Life Changing Power, we have an obligation to Share the News with Others! Think about it… “out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” That, my friends, is a beautiful image! I want to be a vessel of that Living Water, and I desire that my words, actions, and my thoughts are consumed by this “Living Water!” What an Honor to Live for Jesus! What a privilege to Live Life with Him! Every day, I am praying with gratitude that my God is filling me with His Great Love through my Savior, Jesus Christ! My job is to embrace His Love, Share His Love and Live His Love! He promises that he will refresh me, Comfort Me, and fill me with his Living Waters! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… I am excited that the BEST IS YET TO BE!