August 25 YOUR EXAMPLE… Luke 6:31
Yesterday, in my observation, we entered a new arena in our country. Hate driven obsession, and the desire to hold on to power, regardless of the damage inflicted, while simultaneously declaring the virtue of the actions, and the desire to protect and defend democracy, is yet another example of the “twisted” and “perverted” view of TRUTH! Right is Right, and Wrong is Wrong, and, regardless of one’s opinion, it will always be true! Each day, we edge closer and closer to the fulfillment of God’s prophesy becoming a completed reality! Your Political Position is NOT the Most Important Position, it is your SPIRITUAL POSITION! Please let God’s Right be Your Right!!!
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina … “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
When Kayla was in preschool, this verse was taught to these children, and I believe that it should be required for every level of our society. It is the simple things that make the most sense when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Keep this one thing in your mind…People may hear your words, but they will follow your example! You are being watched! Your behaviors and your attitude and your expressions and your actions will always reflect your commitments and your loyalties! Remember, folks will hear your words, but will do as you do! Are your words in line with your actions? Please be real! Please be a true example of the Love of Christ! The message is basic and simple… “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Please Lord, help me to live my life as an example of Your Love and Your Grace, and may I treat others the way that I want to be treated! Remember what Jesus Said, “Love the Lord your God, with all of your heart, and Love your neighbor as yourself!!” This is not a suggestion; it is a command! Don’t Judge, just Love; Don’t belittle, simply encourage; and pray for one another! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!