August 26 Fruit Producing Living… Galatians 5:22-23
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
“The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger,
And his glory is to overlook a transgression.” (Proverbs 19:11)
Amazingly, one of the signs of an individual that is NOT growing in God’s Grace and does NOT demonstrate and live the “Fruit of the Spirit,” is their ability to be easily offended! A few days ago, I encountered an individual that was offended by one of the devotions that I post each morning! “How Dare You Judge Me!” I asked for clarity before I responded, and the response from this special soul was priceless and extremely revealing! “You act as if you are God! You say that we all ought to be like you and believe like you and to live like you! Well, I don’t believe like you and I don’t live like you, and I don’t appreciate you telling me that I am wrong!” I stood in silence as this beautiful soul was building up a “head of steam!” “Please Lord, give to me the words that will comfort this raging soul!” I spoke in a subdued tone as I attempted to clarify what I perceived to be the offence. “I am so sorry that the words that I shared were offensive to you. My intent was not to single you out for condemnation or judgement. Please be aware that it seems to me that your offense is with the reality of God’s Holy Word, and when I share them, in a morning devotion, you perceive them as offensive to your particular way of living. Your perception, I cannot help! Your interpretation of God’s Word for your life is a personal thing between you and God, and the idea that it is offensive to you makes me sad! You are a special soul, and I will always have a brotherly fondness for you, but I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for God’s Word or His Instructions for Living! That is a ‘Done Deal,’ and I am attempting to ‘Live-out’ the ‘Fruit of the Spirit,’ in my life, every day! I hope that we can be friends, but if you believe that I am wrong and you wish to embrace the offense, then please know that I love you, and I continue to pray for you, and I will always be as close as a call!” The next response was so revealing! “I don’t need or want your prayers! You ‘Holy Rollers’ give decent people a bad name!” Keep in mind, this individual would not be offended if they were not reading the devotions each morning! How easily offended are we? If someone doesn’t believe the way that we do, politically, socially, are we offended and are ready to “Write them off?” Jesus told us that His word would be offensive to this world, and I recognize this fact, and I am not discouraged, or dissuaded from continuing to PROCLAIM THE TRUTH OF HIS HOLY WORD! If I offend you, I am truly sorry; If God’s Word of Truth offends you, I pray for you! Please be careful to proclaim the truth, God’s Holy Word, and not opinions, bias, prejudices and feelings! We are called to demonstrate the “FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT” in ALL that WE DO! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… THE BEST IS YET TO BE!