March 10 “BE CONFIDENT” Philippians 1:6
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Philippians 1:6)
The very essence of our Christian experience is encapsulated in this scripture passage! It describes our entire salvation story, from beginning to end! Our God begins the work of forgiveness, or the miracle of “justification,” and He puts us in the proper relationship with the Father, through the Son! Hang on, that is just the beginning… Salvation starts with our conversion, our receiving the amazing Grace of Jesus’ sacrificial act at Calvary! The process does not stop at our conversion! God continues to do a work in us and through us and for us! I like to call this process “Sanctification!” Praise God! He is committed to the fulfilment of the process, yet often time we rebel or struggle, yet He is true to His Word, and He is ready to continue the process of completing this “Good” work in you! God is committed to accomplish His promise in us and the ultimate outcome is eternal life, with the Father and the Son, in Heaven! I believe that the biblical word for this is “Glorification!” So, it begins with God’s Love, and continues when we receive this Love by asking for forgiveness and receiving Jesus into our hearts! Once we have re-established the relationship, through Jesus, with the Father, the Blessed Holy Spirit takes over! He leads and guides and strengthens and empowers and corrects and is responsible for the “Sanctification” of our lives! When it is all said and done, and we stand before God the Father, and we see the face of Jesus, our redeemer, there is going to be “joy unspeakable,” forever! Thank God for His Love for us! Thank God for providing the means of re-establishing our relationship with Him, and the rewards of our commitment and service to Him! Praise God for what He has done; Is Doing, and Will do for us, if we will only trust, believe and receive His Amazing Grace! Get Ready! The Time is Drawing Near! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!