March 21 Happy Anniversary! 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails….” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
On March 21, 1981, I had the privilege of meeting the most amazing young lady that I had ever seen! Standing in the dormitory, at Atlantic Christian College (now Barton College), waiting for her to appear, nothing had prepared me for the amazing vision that I saw! She walked into the room and my heart skipped a beat or two, as I fumbled to say, “Hello.” She was beautiful! Her hair was so long! It cascaded down below her waist and when she smiled, I was smitten! Away we went on our adventure! Our first stop was Parker’s Barbeque (what a way to impress a Country Girl). In those days, I really knew how to “spoil” a girl! Next stop, the Bowling Alley. She beat me badly! I was still so focused on just how amazing she was, that I couldn’t even form words together to even act like someone with the ability to talk! As we sat at the snack area, I worked up enough courage to speak, and I asked for her phone number. Wow! She gave it to me! My heart skipped another beat! We took her back to the dorm and we said our goodbyes and back to Zebulon we went! On the drive home, I knew that my life had changed forever! Who would have thought that a “Blind Date” would be so special? Over the next few days, I was extremely busy, and I had not called her, and my friend asked me about calling her, and when I told him that I had not, well, he went “crazy!” I was still enamored, and I was still smiling, yet life was busy, and I just needed a push! I called her and we agreed to meet and go out again! Wow Wee… I was hooked! Now, she was not so much…she was completing her BS in Nursing and all that goes with those final days, and I was not a priority! I continued to visit, and we continued to date, and we continued to grow closer, and we continued to have fun together and then it happened! I was saying “Good Night,” and I said it, I really said it, I said, “I Love You!” She responded with, “Thank you!” Thank-you! Really? At this point, I began the campaign to change the “Thank you” into “I Love You!” Praise God! She finally said it and on October 29, 1983, she said, “I DO,” and our Love Story that began with a “Blind Date,” still survives and thrives today! By the way… I had prayed that God would send someone into my life that I could love and that she would love me and that, together, we could build a life together, that would honor Him and make our earthly lives fulfilling! THANK YOU, GOD, FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS! Annette, I loved you then, and I love you more today than I did yesterday! Thank you for 44 amazing years of love, dedication, and shared blessings! Friends, may you know the blessings of God, in every area of your life! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!