October 18 7 Words That Will Change Your Life Romans 1:16
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16)
A lady was out hitting all the local garage sales when she came across an old needlepoint picture that read, “Prayer Changes Lives.” She bought it, took it home and began to look for just the right place to hang the new picture. Finally, she decided that it went well in the dining room over the dining room table. With great pride she admired her garage sale discovery and could hardly wait to show it to her husband. That evening when her husband arrived home from work, she showed the picture to him but he made no indication one way or another of his likes or dislikes of the new picture. The next day as the lady was cleaning the house, she discovered that the new picture was gone. As she continued to clean the house, she discovered the picture behind a bookcase. She thought, “That’s strange,” and rehung the picture in its original location. The next day, to her dismay, she discovers the picture gone again and again discovers it behind the bookcase. When the husband arrives home, she confronts her husband and asks him if he is displeased with the art of the needlepoint, to which he responds, no, not at all, it is a great work of art. She continues, is it the place? Do you not like the place it is hung? He says, no, not at all, it is in a great location. She concludes that it must be the message and asks him if it’s the message that he doesn’t like. He says, no, not at all, the message is great. Finally, she says; then what’s the problem? He says, “I just don’t like change.” That story reveals more of a truth about us all than we might be willing to admit. But the reality is, you cannot become OR be a Christian without change. From the moment we accept Christ, we begin a process of change – we become new creatures in Christ. The good news is that it is Christ that gives us the ability to change. We are his workmanship, his creation, created for his purpose. The seven words that will change your life: I am not ashamed of the Gospel. Those seven words can change your life. Wait, not just saying them, but living them! When we have the Eternally Strong and Solid Foundation of The Gospel to build our lives upon, and we embrace the message and the object of the Good News, then we are prepared to be changed. Please do not let the Evil and Bad News of this world hamper your commitment and dedication to the GOOD NEWS! Folks, I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL AND IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! I pray that you can say the same thing! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!