November 11 Real Love Produces Real Forgiveness 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
To Those Who Have Served Our Great Country, In Any Branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America…HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY TO YOU! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “Charity (LOVE) suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil…” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
I must confess that I often live my life in broad and general terms. I find myself, preaching sermons on LOVE and Forgiveness, in broad and general terms. The reality is that LOVE is specific and this scripture, today, teaches this fact! As Followers of Christ, we have to recognize what Jesus has done for us. So, if we are to be “Christ-Like,” it stands to reason that we would imitate Him. We are told that Jesus Suffers Long and that He is Kind and that He does not Envy and that Jesus doesn’t parade around in Pride and that He is the VERY EXAMPLE OF LOVE! Boy oh Boy, the application of His Love towards others is extremely difficult. Jesus was betrayed, beaten, slandered and was treated so badly by the people that were supposed to be His friends, yet, in His very being, He forgave those folks, and, He forgives us! Just recently, I had the occasion to be defamed and slandered by an individual that I have a great amount of respect for and count him as a dear friend. My first thought was to be offended and to return “hurt for hurt,” however, I felt the guidance of the Holy Spirit, telling me to “FORGIVE,” not because I had not been “hurt,” but that with the LOVE OF CHRIST, covering my sins, and through His LOVE, I am required to FORGIVE! Notice, that I did not say anything about this man’s actions, whether right or wrong! Whatever his motivations, whatever his issues, are simply not a part of my FORGIVENESS! So, as difficult as it was, I prayed that God, through the Holy Spirit, would remove the anger and hurt from ME! I have attempted to share with this man, and he is entrenched in his opinion, that I have, somehow, wronged him, so I am actively praying for him and I stand ready to restore our relationship. NOTICE!!! What he did, How he reacts, How he continues to live, I CAN NOT HELP THAT! HOWEVER, WHAT I AM OBLIGATED TO DO IS TO LOVE HIM AND TO FORGIVE! It truly is about me, not him! Are you understanding this message? In this life, we will be challenged and we will be offended and we will offend others, however, because of HIS LOVE, we have the POWER AND THE ABILITY TO FORGIVE!! Please, please…Do not attempt to live your Christian life with Un-forgiveness; it simply will not work!! When you focus on the “Hurt,” you are taking your eyes off of our Savior, and you are denying the POWER OF GOD! Unfortunately, there are those that embrace the hurt and enjoy the misery and drama, and regardless of the truth, will continue to refuse to forgive! Offenses that occurred years ago, or something that occurred yesterday, require the same God-Given Power of His Love to Forgive! If you expect to be in God’s will and you expect to Honor the sacrifice at Calvary, and to make a difference, then, regardless of “How You Feel,” YOU HAVE GOT TO FORGIVE!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST IS YET TO BE!