November 10 Active Faith! Hebrews 11:8
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8)
Today, as I reflect on the happenings and the actions of others, I, for the first time in my life, question the integrity of our leaders, to actually tell the truth. Using my eyes to see, and my ears to hear, it seems highly unlikely that the results of our recent election are accurate. Are you to tell me that over half of Americans are supportive of Anti-American, Violence and Revolutionary thoughts and activities and the systematic destruction of unborn children? Well, it appears that the reality is that over half of voting Americans actually do! What has motivated this is simple! Satan is busy distorting the minds and hearts of many. Evil has become the accepted behavior and anything that is based on the Foundations of scripture and faith, are considered “Hate Speech!” Praise God that we have Jesus Christ and our Faith in His Promises and His selfless act at Calvary to sustain us and to provide the pathway through this troubled time. So, what is this Faith that we speak of? The Bible tells us that Faith is seeing things that are not, as though they really are! Faith is declaring a dependence on Almighty God and focusing our lives, so that we are walking in His will. Abraham was called, by God, and he obeyed. Abraham stepped out in Faith and answered the call of God. Folks, in these turbulent and evil days; our calling, our solution to survival; is to claim the assurance of our unwavering and growing FAITH IN GOD! Exercising Faith, will assure that we are trusting God’s promises and that we are confident in His Power, and it gives us the energy and abilities to act on our Faith! Church, do you remember what day that it is? That’s absolutely correct… ”THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE; WE WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!” (Psalm 118:24) While I do not know what I will face, as the days roll on, I do know that I am going to walk in Faith, regardless of what this world does. I am confident in God’s Grace and His Power to sustain me and to Protect me and to Guide me into His Perfect Will! As I submit my ALL to Him, then I am in position to hear my call and to faithfully obey His Commands. Survival is absolutely based on your Faith in His promises as we travel through this life. Faith to Believe that He has us, securely, in His “Nail-Scarred Hands,” and to know, even though we cannot see, that He is in CHARGE! So far, 2020 has been a time, when Everything that should be, has not been, and everything that should not be, has been, so what are we to do and where do we go from here? First of all, we have to remember that we have been redeemed and that we are walking in FAITH! We have been delivered from the “Bondage” that sin has caused within our Spirit; we are being delivered as we “Grow in Christ,” and we have His assurance, His promises, His Power and His Presence as we progress towards the day when He calls us home or we meet Him in the air! When I see the environment, in which we live, through my human eyes, I could easily become sad and hopeless, however, through my Spiritual Eyes of God Given Wisdom, I see possibilities, I see opportunities, I see the need for Jesus, in the lives of those who are blind and ignorant of His blessings, His Provisions and His REDEEMING LOVE! Church, it is time for us to exercise REAL FAITH and retire the “Spiritual Party Boat,” and be the Captain of a “SPIRITUAL BATTLESHIP!!” We are in a battle for the very SOUL of humanity, and we need to be armored up with God’s Word, Fortified through Prayer and Consuming the Word of God on a DAILY BASIS! As I see these insane happenings, I take comfort in knowing that we are one day closer to the RAPTURE! COME QUICKLY LORD! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST REALLY IS YET TO BE!