November 16 Harvest Time: Are we doing the work of the Lord? Proverbs 10:5
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.” (Proverbs 10:5)
Dwight L. Moody, by his own admission, made a mistake on the 8th of October 1871 -- a mistake he determined never to repeat. He had been preaching in the city of Chicago. That particular night drew his largest audience yet. His message was "What will you do then with Jesus who is called the Christ?" By the end of the service, he was tired. He concluded his message with a presentation of the gospel and a concluding statement: "Now I give you a week to think that over. And when we come together again, you will have opportunity to respond." A soloist began to sing. But before the final note, the music was drowned out by clanging bells & wailing sirens screaming through the streets. The great Chicago Fire was blazing. In the ashen aftermath, 100’s were dead and over a hundred thousand were homeless. Without a doubt, some who heard Moody's message had died in the fire. He reflected remorse-fully that he would have given his right arm before he would ever give an audience another week to think over the message of the gospel. If He were here in person this morning, He would tell us to look around at our community. The field is ripe to harvest; it is time for the harvest to be gathered, or it will perish. He would tell us to look at the needy people around us, and then tell us to quit saying, "I'll wait until the holidays are over", or "I'll wait till I come back from vacation, & then I'll help." It may then be too late to harvest. We must learn that today, right now, we are located in the center of a spiritual harvest field where the souls of men are threatened with eternal death, eternal damnation, eternal separation from God unless laborers get out there and work, sharing the story of God's love and His desire to save. Listen to this: when a Russian Baptist preacher was brought before the Soviet secret police, he was asked, "How many preachers do you have in your church?" "500," he replied. "500!" exclaimed the interrogator. "How many members do you have, then?" "500," was the quick reply. "You see, every member of my congregation is a preacher of the Gospel." Every one of us, under the Blood of Jesus, are “Preachers!” We must be ready to share the Gospel and to continue to make Disciples of those that we lead to Christ! One day a lady criticized D.L. Moody for his methods of evangelism in attempting to win people to the Lord. Moody's reply was, "I agree with you. I don't like the way I do it either. Tell me, how do you do it?" The lady replied, "I don't do it." Moody retorted, "Then I like my way of doing it better than your way of not doing it." The Harvest Time is upon us and we MUST be READY to WORK! Are You Asleep? Have You Allowed Worldly Things To Distract You From Your Mission? Again, Are You Asleep? How can you tell if you are asleep? PEOPLE WHO ARE ASLEEP DO NOT USE THEIR EYES AND PEOPLE WHO ARE ASLEEP DO NOT USE THEIR EARS!! Please do not allow Satan to cause you to slumber spiritually. This world and all of its issues should not and cannot keep us from our DIVINE CALLING! That CALLING is to FOLLOW JESUS, GROW IN HIS GRACE AND TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Church, Harvest Time is here and we are CALLED to be the HARVESTERS! Are you doing the work of the LORD? Stay Strong, Stay Focused...THE BEST IS YET TO BE! (Source: Sermon Central)