November 9 Free Indeed! 1 Corinthians 1:30
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” (1 Corinthians 1:30)
The events of the day; have caused me to look inward at my heart’s condition. With little effort, we can get distracted and swayed away from our true and divine calling through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Those of us, who are truly Born Again, must realize that all we need and will ever need is found in Jesus. Gratefully, He not only gives us what we need, but all that we will ever need is found in Him. The scriptures tell us that, “if we lack wisdom, just ask for it and it will be given!” When I look at this world and all that simply defies common sense, He is able to explain to me. Using public records, I calculated the number of registered voters, from a particular area, then, I added up the votes cast, and there was, 130,000 votes more, than registered voters. How can this be? Lord, what is going on? This world, that is full of Hate, Lies, Deception and Chaos, is just what it is…EVIL! The Explanation … IT IS WHAT IT IS! God provides the Wisdom to recognize the Evil that exists and He gives us the TRUE WISDOM to see through the False Wisdom of this world and to cling to the Real and True Wisdom of God! Praise God… EVERYTHING THAT WE NEED FOR FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD IS FOUND IN HIS PROMISES ANDS OUR PARTICIPATION IN HIS LOVE THAT IS MANIFESTED THROUGH SALVATION, SANCTIFICATION AND REDEMPTION!!! Righteousness is what we have at the moment of our Salvation. The Blood of Jesus covers our sins and the Father God only sees the redeeming blood of Jesus that blots out our sins. From the point of Salvation, we begin a process that I call Sanctification, that is, we begin to grow and progress towards being more and more like Christ, as we are transformed into the likeness of our Savior. Folks, 2020 has been a real “Humdinger!” Everything that should be, has not been and everything that should not be, has been, so what are we to do and where do we go from here? First of all, we have to remember that we have been redeemed! We have been delivered from the “Bondage” that sin has caused within our Spirit; we are being delivered as we “Grow in Christ,” and we have His assurance, His promises, His Power and His Presence as we progress towards the day when He calls us home or we meet Him in the air! When I see the environment, in which we live, through my human eyes, I could easily become sad and hopeless, however, through my Spiritual Eyes of God Given Wisdom, I see possibilities, I see opportunities, I see the need for Jesus, in the lives of those who are blind and ignorant of His blessings, His Provisions and His REDEEMING LOVE! Church, it is time for us to retire the “Spiritual Party Boat,” and be the Captain of a “SPIRITUAL BATTLESHIP!!” We are in a battle for the very SOUL of humanity, and we need to be armored up with God’s Word, Fortified through Prayer and Consuming the Word of God on a DAILY BASIS! As I see these insane happenings, I take comfort in knowing that we are one day closer to the RAPTURE! COME QUICKLY LORD! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…THE BEST REALLY IS YET TO BE!