April 22, 2020 “Why Will Men Not Repent? Mark 16:15 Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And He said unto them, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’” Mark 16:15 Every pastor, and I suspect, most Christians have asked this question, “Why won’t men repent of their sins and turn to Jesus?” Since we have Jesus as our Savior, and have found that in Christ we are really living, it is hard for us to understand why men will not repent and ask Jesus to save them. So, why do men not repent? The Bible teaches us that we should tell others about Jesus. Mark 16:15, clearly tells us of our responsibility. Jesus commands us to go. Based upon my reading and understanding, this is not an option. HE said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Notice that HE didn’t say, go to lost souls and tell them about all kinds of things. HE said, “PREACH THE GOSPEL.” Everyone that is under the Blood of Jesus has a responsibility to share, to preach, and to live for Jesus! So, why do men not repent? Could it be that we as believers are not following the command to GO and to PREACH? Some folks think that they have plenty of time and repentance can be done later, well, I like what my daddy said, “Those who wait to repent until the eleventh hour often die at ten thirty!” The story is told of a meeting that Satan held to determine how best to trick mankind. One of his cohorts said, “Let’s tell them there is no God.” Another one said, “That will work on a few, but most are intelligent enough to look around and see creation and realize that there is a God.” They began to think again and another said, “Let us tell them that there isn’t a Hell.” “No, that will work on a few, but common sense will tell man that vice and virtue cannot have the same destiny.” Another one said, “I have it, let’s tell them that there is a God, there is a Hell, there is a Heaven and the Bible is God’s Word, but let’s tell them that they have plenty of time to accept Christ.” They all agreed and went out and they are still saying to man, “Don’t worry, you have plenty of time.” Well, I believe that our call is clear. We are to GO and PREACH and to let folks know that HE is calling and HE is ready and that time is short and “NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME OF SALVATION (2 Corinthians 6:2)!” Why won’t men repent? I believe it is because we are not witnessing to them and that Satan has deceived them and it is our job, our mission, our calling, our command to “GO and PREACH” the GOOD NEWS TO THIS LOST AND DYING WORLD!!” We have our “CALL TO ACTION!” Believers; step up and shout the “GOOD NEWS” to everyone around you and fulfill your calling and responsibility! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! Stay Strong, Stay Focused…Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!