May 17 “THEY
LIGHTENED THE SHIP” Acts 27: 9-44 (Keyverses, 18-19)
Good morning from Pastor Glen Brock, Baptist Tabernacle Church, Wendell, North Carolina… “And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship; and the third day we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship.” Acts 27: 18-19
Trouble is something we all have, but no one seems to want it. When we hear someone talking about trouble, no one says, “What is that?” We all know what trouble is and often we question, “God, why do we have it?” Although, we may wonder why trouble comes, we can rest assured that our great Creator has a purpose for it being in our lives. Yes, we can rest assured that when trouble comes, and it absolutely will come, God has allowed it for a purpose, that is, in most cases. It appears to me that there are 2 sources of trouble. The first one is that Much Trouble Comes As A Result Of Our Own Carelessness and Our Own Doing! Notice that I said, “When God allows trouble to come it is for a purpose.” Often our troubles come, not because it was in the plan of God, but as a result of our own doings! Many of us are like the farmer who had a great watermelon patch. He was so thankful to God for all of the melons in his patch. He could just see himself getting rich off of this crop. He backed his old truck into the field and began to load it. After it was filled to the brim he thought, “This is the time to make it big,” so he kept adding more melons to the load. All of a sudden, the axle of his truck broke! Then he became very angry with God and said, “Why God?” He complained, “Of all times for You to send me trouble…!” Now, did God send him that trouble? NO, God blessed him with the good crop of melons, but he brought the trouble on himself by trying to put more on the truck than it would hold. God would have us use what is important and to recognize His blessings while getting rid of all unnecessary trouble. Have you ever asked, “Why God?” My Daddy used to say that “God gets blamed for a lot of stuff that He wouldn’t be involved in the start with!” In Acts 27, the ship that Paul was in was at the point of sinking. But the Bible says they did something very wise, “They Lightened the Ship!” This prevented disaster for a time. I believe that many of us, this morning, need to “Lighten the Ship” of our lives and ask this simple question, “Did I bring this trouble on myself?” “Did God allow it to come for a purpose?” Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” The last source of trouble could be the trouble that God allows to come from Satan to teach spiritual truth and growth! The reality is simple; trouble and trials are not figments of your imagination. They are real and they are always going to be in place. Regardless of the source of our troubles, we need to recognize that God gives us a restful and confident feeling because He has promised that He would never leave or forsake us…WE ARE NOT ALONE! Troubles do come, troubles are here, troubles will be here, so we need to claim the promises of God, focus on His word and, from Time to Time, we need to “Lighten the Load!” Let us be as Paul, and turn to God and “unload!” Let God take care of the ones that it seems we cannot take care of ourselves and let us be watchful to avoid the bringing on of troubles ourselves! It simply does not matter how bad the “Winds of Adversity” (COVID19, shut downs, shortages) are blowing, I believe that God WILL TAKE CARE OF IT! There is freedom and joy in knowing that He has us firmly in His care and control. Do not allow these difficult times to cause you to alter your spiritual growth pathway… To God Be The Glory, Forever and Ever, Amen! Stay Strong, Stay Focused… Remember, THE BEST IS YET TO BE!